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by Sebastian Gonzalez Dixon

Bogota, Memory City
{ Body Interactive Map }

Omotio’s Project

Body interaction – Museum installation

In this project commissioned by the “Centro de Memoria, Paz y Reconciliación de Bogotá” (Memory, Peace and Reconciliation Center of Bogota) Omotio under my leadership, designed and developed an interactive installation driven by body motion capture interactivity with Kinect. The main idea was to create an interactive map of Bogota, where the visitor could search for almost 80 different places of the city where a social leader was murderer.The interactive space was placed at one of the sides of the Center’s Gallery. Using a Microsoft Kinect and our own software we hold five activities.

The main activity was to visit each one of the memory places, navigating inside a 360 degree image. The second activity was to leave a gift at the place. The visitor could select the gift from a menu and place it just dragging and dropping with his or her hands in the air. The third activity was to clean the place. In this one the user should sweep with a broom the trash particles that start falling inside the screen. The Forth activity was to make a graffiti in the place and the fifth activity was to march in a social protest for peace. When the visitor start to march, the image of other visitors start marching together.


 Omotio’s team:

Sebastian Gonzalez Dixon: Director, Experience Designer, Kinect Developer (Partner)
Carlos Adrian Serna: Software and Hardware Development (Partner)
Anderson Arebalo: Industrial Design, Project Manager
Jose Urbina: Graphic Design
Fabian Jimenez: Production
Luz Mary Bernal: Director’s Assistent, Administrative


Technical Art Director / I+D and UX Designer / Developer


OpenFrameworks / Kinect / Games / Body interaction

© 2025

by Setian - © - Sebastian Gonzalez Dixon