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by Sebastian Gonzalez Dixon

{ Dance and Technology Performance }


Performance – Music – Visuals – Sound Machines

by Fumihiro Kikuchi and Sebastian Gonzalez Dixon

Detached is an interdisciplinary project of Dance and Technology between a dancer and a digital luthier, where sound, movement, video and interaction develop a shifting dialectic atmosphere. The performers engage in connections and disconnections within the performers’ conditions of coping with invisible barriers in the cross-cultural and digital spaces. The piece convenes choreographed movement, improvisation, video, live feed, interactive objects and sound. The music merged through an elaboration of natural and social sound and synthesizer. In addition, the two interactive sound instruments shape instantaneous act. The united artwork reminds the cultural barriers and transfers focusing on the present moment, where the adaptability of the performers and the participation of audience will nourish the shared experience.

The piece is about connections and disconnections. About communications in the era of digital networks. About leaving our origins to cross those invisible walls created by cultures. About focusing on the present moment. About opening the lines and borders to break the barriers. About being detached to flow.

Through 11 minutes of scenic immersion, sound and body motion interact creating a dialectic environment between the dancer and the luthier. The dancer is a musician while using the instrument created by the luthier. The luthier is a dancer while moves to interpret the body of his partner.

Pictures by Go Nakamura

Raw Video Files

Reference videos of the live performance at The Center for Performance Research, Brooklyn NY

Reference videos of the live performance at The Creators Collective Show, Brooklyn NY


Merge V4.0 @ Center For Performance Research CPR, Brooklyn, NY, July 2017.
The Creators Collective Show @ The New Work Project, Brooklyn New York, March 2018.

 Fumihiro Kikuchi Web Site

 I want to give special thanks to:

Fumihiro Kikuchi: Co-Author
Natalia Espinel: Video recording.
Satoshi Tsuchiyama – Event Producer
Go Nakamura – Pictures
Jana Prager – Lights and Tech Assistance
all the CPR and Merge Crew

© 2024

by Setian - © - Sebastian Gonzalez Dixon