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by Sebastian Gonzalez Dixon

SETianWorks 1.0
{ Interactive Arts – Computer Vision }

Art Work

Signals – Electronics – Technology – Interactivity – Arts – Networks

 Created in 2006

SETian Works is a project created in 2006 for the development and diffusion of electronic and interactive art. Through intelligent systems that perceive and interpret human behavior new tools of interaction between the viewer and the work, the artist and his performance, the learner and the information or the consumer and the product is created.

We welcome your participation with ideas, suggestions and work. If you are interested to be part of this project as a developer of new works and products or would like to request our services to transmit your ideas live or online, please contact us.

 Online Demostrations of computer vision from SETian Works Site

You must have a Flash Player enabled internet browser, such as the desktop versions of Firefox, Google Chrome or Safari, in order to watch and interact with these old pieces.

  1. Psico Kaleidoscope

  2. Dancer’s Pincel

  3. Motion Poem

  4. Main Menu (3D Objects – TIP: Click over GO)


Back to my 2006 services Portfolio (this is antique for me).

In SETian Works Services Portafolio 2006 -2007 you’ll find my first Service Porfolio as entrepreneur.

© 2024

by Setian - © - Sebastian Gonzalez Dixon